lean mindset

All articles about lean mindset

What's senior leaders' standard work in a lean enterprise?
November 4, 2014
What's senior leaders' standard work in a lean enterprise?

RESEARCH - Standard work is not meant for senior leadership, but there are activities that CEOs can carry out systematically to support a lean management system, starting from problem solving.

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José Ferro on how difficult changing your mindset can be
April 23, 2015
José Ferro on how difficult changing your mindset can be

ARTICLE - A-ha moments... we have all had one at least. In this personal account, the author reflects on what his own experience has taught him about changing our mindset and being stuck in our ways.

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Lean thinking is elusive and calls for determination
April 7, 2015
Lean thinking is elusive and calls for determination

ARTICLE - What is lean? We all like to think that we know. This personal story reminds us all of how elusive the methodology can be, and how determined a practitioner has to be to fully grasp it.

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Why robust problem solving is more than a couple tools
March 9, 2015
Why robust problem solving is more than a couple tools

ARTICLE – You need to have a solid and complete process in place if you want your problems to be actually solved, and it is more than just developing an A3 or drawing an Ishikawa.

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National cultures don't matter when lean is in the picture
October 30, 2014
National cultures don't matter when lean is in the picture

ARTICLE - Are some national cultures better suited to implement lean thinking? This article, based on research on 45 Volvo factories, reflects on the role of local cultures in the rollout of a corporate lean program.

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The leadership behaviors supporting a lean transformation
July 4, 2016
The leadership behaviors supporting a lean transformation

FEATURE – There are five dimensions to a lean transformation – purpose, process, people, management behaviors, and mental models – and it is the role of leadership to adjust its stance to each of them.

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The meaning of the andon cord
January 8, 2015
The meaning of the andon cord

OPINION – A trip to West Africa to deliver a lean workshop prompts Anton Grütter, CEO of Lean Institute Africa, to reflect on the meaning of the Andon cord.

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Survive big company disease with lean and customer value
November 25, 2014
Survive big company disease with lean and customer value
workaday leadership balle

ARTICLE - To operate successfully we need systems, but as we grow these often give us "big company disease." The solution is bringing leadership at work level to really guarantee customer satisfaction.

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Spotify proves the hierarchical organization is an old tune
January 27, 2015
Spotify proves the hierarchical organization is an old tune

VIDEO INTERVIEW – Hierarchical organization, goodbye! Embracing servant leadership and a horizontal reporting structure, Spotify is redefining the idea of company.

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