Transforming people to transform the healthcare industry
VIDEO INTERVIEW – Last year, the Lean Global Network launched an initiative to leverage the knowledge of our institutes to positively impact the healthcare industry. We caught up with the group in São Paulo this week.
Interviewees: Alice Lee, Executive Director of the Lean Enterprise Institute; Flávio Battaglia, Director of the Lean Institute Brasil; and Oriol Cuatrecasas, President of the Institute Lean Management in Barcelona.
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How do you transform a whole industry? By transforming the people working in it!
Last year, the Lean Global Network tasked a group of lean healthcare experts (and enthusiasts) to start an initiative to explore new and better ways to impact the industry - the Lean Healthcare Initiative.
As soon as they started working together, the team members - Alice Lee of the Lean Enterprise Institute, Flávio Battaglia of Lean Institute Brasil, Oriol Cuatrecasas of Barcelona-based Instituto Lean Management, and Vyacheslav Boltrukevich of Lean Enterprise Institute Russia (soon to be joined by Denise Bennett from the Australian affiliate of LGN) - agreed that the number one challenge the sector faces is the long lead-time to develop the capabilities a hospital or clinic needs to turn itself around.
The team is carrying out extensive research on the lean journeys of a number of hospitals across the United States, Catalunya and Brazil that LGN institutes in those countries have worked with. Using the Lean Transformation Framework as a reference, they gathered and analyzed data to identify the commonalities between these very different transformations. Their aim is to come up with a set of guidelines that can help hospitals around the world effect change more rapidly and effectively than they are currently able to do.
As we wait for the Working Group to complete its research, we asked three of its members to tell us about the method they are using, the objective they have, and what they hope to bring to the industry that impacts our lives more than any other.
Check out their answers in the video below, which we shot a couple of days ago in São Paulo, at the end of the third Lean Healthcare Summit (an event attended by 300 people, 75% of whom were - encouragingly - physicians).
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