Lean Government

All articles about: Lean Government

Lean in government, a comeback?
February 14, 2023
Lean in government, a comeback?

FEATURE – At a recent Lean Day, our editor was reminded of the immense potential of Lean Thinking applied to government. After a few sleepy years, is lean in the public administration having a comeback?

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Lean, our “breda” and butter
February 7, 2023
Lean, our “breda” and butter

BOOK EXCERPT – The city of Breda in the Netherlands has been on a lean journey for the past six years. Today we share an excerpt from the book The Lean Government, which sets the scene for the transformation.

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Putting the customer at the heart of public service
October 22, 2020
Putting the customer at the heart of public service

FEATURE – This story of a lean application in elderly care in a Norwegian borough demonstrates the great strides that can be made in providing better service to citizens if their needs become the focus of the work.

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The Fire Department transforming itself and its city
May 25, 2018
The Fire Department transforming itself and its city
lean management Grand Rapids Fire Department

INTERVIEW – Is “lean fire-fighting” an oxymoron? It isn’t if you are the Grand Rapids Fire Department, which has not only turned itself around but is also leading a city-wide lean transformation.

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An alliance to bring lean capabilities to Singapore
August 3, 2017
An alliance to bring lean capabilities to Singapore

FEATURE – Last year, the Lean Global Network entered a partnership with the Singapore Institute of Technology to bring lean capabilities to local SMEs. Along the way, we discovered an alternative approach to academic teaching.

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Can lean thinking transform our cities?
July 28, 2016
Can lean thinking transform our cities?

SEEN FROM OTHERS – Another interview in our series on how lean is perceived from the outside. This month we talk to an urban strategist to see if and how lean can contribute to transforming our cities.

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The serial improver: changing government with lean thinking
February 16, 2016
The serial improver: changing government with lean thinking
PROFILE – Lean leaders are often tempted to jump in and fix the problems they see. Julie McGrory is successfully transforming the culture of a large and traditional government organization by learning to take a step back and letting people take the l ...Read more

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UK government needs a holistic approach to lean management
November 26, 2015
UK government needs a holistic approach to lean management

RESEARCH – A recent report by the National Audit Office looks at what works and what doesn’t when lean management is applied in UK government organizations.

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Using lean startup ideas to redesign service to citizens
November 19, 2015
Using lean startup ideas to redesign service to citizens

INTERVIEW – When we think of innovation we rarely think of government, and yet the public sector is in desperate need to modernize and improve. Pierre Pezziardi is on a mission to bring innovation to the French government.

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Is Barcelona's government run with lean thinking?
October 1, 2015
Is Barcelona's government run with lean thinking?

OPINION – When thinking about Barcelona, most of us think of Gaudí’s architecture, tapas and beach weather, but the Catalonian capital might also be a worthy example of lean principles applied to city management.

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Two years of hoshin at the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure
August 27, 2015
Two years of hoshin at the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure

FEATURE – The theory of hoshin kanri is clear, but how can you adapt it to a government organization structured in departments where making A3s is not a daily practice? A Dutch ministry shares its experience.

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Lean government: how UK courts and tribunals are changing
July 9, 2015
Lean government: how UK courts and tribunals are changing
hmcts lean government england

CASE STUDY - HM Courts & Tribunals Service has been using lean ways of working for over six years, learning many lessons along the way and achieving some fantastic wins.

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Lean government: a Dutch city adopts lean thinking
June 15, 2015
Lean government: a Dutch city adopts lean thinking

INTERVIEW - The historical city of Amersfoort in the Netherlands has introduced lean thinking and practice in local government to provide better and faster services to its citizens.

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Implementing lean management principles across government
February 24, 2015
Implementing lean management principles across government
lean transformation saskatchewan

CASE STUDY – The Canadian province of Saskatchewan is running a bold experiment: applying lean management across all government. The driving force? A “compelling vision.”

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Lean principles in a forensic medicine institute
December 2, 2014
Lean principles in a forensic medicine institute
medicina legal lean approach

ARTICLE – The Institut de Medicina Legal de Catalunya has learned that employee engagement and lean thinking can shake up even the stiffest of the public sector's working environments.

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Auditing UK government’s adoption of lean thinking
November 17, 2014
Auditing UK government’s adoption of lean thinking

FEATURE - Britain’s National Audit Office looks at how well taxpayer money is spent, gaining invaluable insight into the use of lean management in central government.

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Melbourne - pushing the boundaries of lean government
May 13, 2014
Melbourne - pushing the boundaries of lean government

CASE STUDY - How does lean contribute to making Melbourne one of the world’s most liveable cities year after year? Denise Bennett explains the approach followed.

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Washington State: using lean management in government
April 23, 2014
Washington State: using lean management in government

INTERVIEW - Thanks to strong leadership support and an effective system to partner with private sector firms, Washington State is proving how successful lean production principles can be in a government setting.

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How an English council transformed itself with lean thinking
January 27, 2014
How an English council transformed itself with lean thinking
CASE STUDY - In November last year, a town in the West Midlands made the headlines after a survey named it the best place to live in the United Kingdom. Lean may not be directly responsible for the achievement, but there is little doubt it gave its c ...Read more

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Mention the word ‘government’ pretty much anywhere in the world and you’ll be met by angry comments citing inefficiency, bureaucratic red tape and frustration. Arguably, no sector could benefit more from the application of lean management. Lean is all about simplifying and rationalizing, a need that will become more and more stringent for government organizations worldwide as their budgets are squeezed.

Experiments in the application of lean government in the public sector go back a few years, with a difficulty commonly raised being “seeing the work”. An early, notable and very successful example of lean government is City of Melbourne, where lean brought a common language that managed to link the work of 30+ government agencies. Other examples are Ministries in the UK, municipalities in the Netherlands, the Dubai Police and cities in the USA. In Grand Rapids, the Fire Department started a lean journey some 10 years ago, which ended up spreading to every other area of city government. There is even a state-wide lean transformation taking place at Washington State.

Lean government organizations provide higher quality, faster and more transparent service to citizens. Since lean thinking can be successfully applied to any human endeavor, lean government ideas can improve any type of public sector work, whether legislative, executive or judicial (see the work done in the HM Courts and Tribunal Service in the United Kingdom).