Lean Digital

All articles about: Lean Digital

Extending Kanban benefits from the shopfloor to the supply chain
March 20, 2025
Extending Kanban benefits from the shopfloor to the supply chain

FEATURE – This article explores the benefits of an electronic kanban and explains how it enables a truly lean supply chain.

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The synergies between digital and lean leadership
December 18, 2024
The synergies between digital and lean leadership

FEATURE – This article explores the integration of lean leadership behaviors with digital tools to achieve sustainable performance improvement in modern organizations.

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The Lean Tech Manifesto
July 11, 2024
The Lean Tech Manifesto

INTERVIEW – A recently-published book discusses how Lean is the only way for a company to scale while retaining an Agile culture. We talk to one of the authors.

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Lean Digital with generative AI
March 10, 2023
Lean Digital with generative AI

FEATURE – This year, PL will try to understand what the future of work looks like in a world with AI. To kick us off and make us think, we publish an article that is the result of a one-hour conversation between a human and a machine.

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Boosting the lean-agile maturity of our teams
August 23, 2022
Boosting the lean-agile maturity of our teams

FEATURE – BRQ Digital Solutions shows that effective customer-focused improvement must happen from the inside out, with team development aligned with the pillars of lean digital transformation.

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Recreating that “coffee break magic”
August 2, 2022
Recreating that “coffee break magic”

CASE STUDY – This digital organization has embarked on a cultural transformation that is allowing them to become more agile while keeping people and stimulating interactions at the heart of their work.

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Lean and the digitization of Benin's public administration
April 5, 2022
Lean and the digitization of Benin's public administration

INTERVIEW – In today’s Q&A, we learn how Lean Thinking is supporting the digital transformation of the public administration of the African country of Benin.

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The value of software
February 24, 2022
The value of software

FEATURE – The authors explain why putting value at the heart of customer discussions is key to developing a successful, resilient tech firm.

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Is radical quality possible in the tech industry?
September 8, 2021
Is radical quality possible in the tech industry?

FEATURE - The author explains how a recent book on radical quality improvement in manufacturing inspired him to initiate similar experiments in his software development firm.

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Lean and agile, how they interact
September 2, 2021
Lean and agile, how they interact

FEATURE – This article explains how Lean Thinking and the agile method can strengthen and optimize our digital transformation efforts.

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Deep dive in a lean digital company #6
August 29, 2021
Deep dive in a lean digital company #6

FEATURE – In the final article of her series, the author spends a day with Theodo’s CEO and co-founder to learn how lean informs its strategy and vision.

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Deep dive in a lean digital company #5
July 5, 2021
Deep dive in a lean digital company #5

FEATURE – For a few years now, Theodo has made of quality and customer satisfaction the main focus of its work, and it is paying off. But what does it mean to pursue and improve quality at a digital company?

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Deep dive in a lean digital company #4
June 3, 2021
Deep dive in a lean digital company #4

FEATURE – This month, the author learns how gemba walks happen in a digital environment, where the work and information are typically hidden in computers.

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Deep dive in a lean digital company #3
May 6, 2021
Deep dive in a lean digital company #3

FEATURE – The third article in this new series discusses Theodo’s approach to talent recruitment and development, to ensure the right resources are there to support the company’s growth at all times.

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When digitalization reaches the gemba
May 3, 2021
When digitalization reaches the gemba

FEATURE – During a recent Jishuken workshop, Poland-based Schumacher Packaging experimented with a newly-developed App to quickly create standardized work instructions at the gemba.

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Deep dive in a lean digital company #2
April 1, 2021
Deep dive in a lean digital company #2

FEATURE – In the second article in her new series, the author discusses how focusing on customer value helped a fintech start-up to grow fivefold just last year.

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Deep dive in a lean digital company #1
February 18, 2021
Deep dive in a lean digital company #1

NOTES FROM THE GEMBA – The author visits the office of Theodo France and learns how the lean digital company is leveraging lean thinking and practice to support its ongoing growth – even through the pandemic.

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Bringing strategy into your digital transformation
January 25, 2021
Bringing strategy into your digital transformation

FEATURE – In many organizations, strategy is often lacking from the digital transformation agenda. The authors provide insights into how value chains and Wardley Maps can assist.

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The lean developer
December 14, 2020
The lean developer

FEATURE – How can digital companies develop a competitive edge in the "tech first" future? By using Lean Thinking to ensure continuous learning and transform the way coders think and work.

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Why lean marketing is the future
July 23, 2020
Why lean marketing is the future

FEATURE – No organization can expect to survive without a sound marketing strategy. The author outlines the main elements and advantages of a lean marketing approach.

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Quality first means more sales
June 25, 2020
Quality first means more sales

CASE STUDY – This insurtech venture has found in Lean Thinking a way to tackle its many scaling issues. It’s grown from two to fifty-five people in less than four years, ultimately thanks to a strong focus on quality.

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Leveraging lean learnings to face the crisis
April 8, 2020
Leveraging lean learnings to face the crisis

NOTES FROM THE (VIRTUAL) GEMBA – This week, the author chats with an innovative insurance company as it relies on its lean learnings to ensure business continuity and switch to remote working during the Covid-19 crisis.

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When startups visit Toyota
December 12, 2019
When startups visit Toyota

FEATURE – Digital organizations are starting to recognize that Toyota’s unique approach can show them the way forward, just like it does “traditional” organizations. Here, we hear from a few startup CEOs following their trip to Japan.

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Slashing onboarding time for new developers
September 30, 2019
Slashing onboarding time for new developers

BUILDING BRIDGES – Using kaizen, a team at Theodo was able to reduce the time necessary to install a project on a new developer’s computer from three weeks to twelve minutes.

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Ferreting out lean improvements at a web company
November 20, 2018
Ferreting out lean improvements at a web company

NOTES FROM THE GEMBA – The author visits a comparison website that is gradually integrating agile and lean thinking in its processes, identifying new and exciting improvement opportunities.

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With digital, lean finally reaches CEOs
November 6, 2018
With digital, lean finally reaches CEOs

INTERVIEW – At last month’s Lean Digital Summit in Lisbon, César Gon told attendees how, with lean digital, we have an opportunity to finally get the attention of CEOs and business leaders.

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Developing customer loyalty in the digital age
October 11, 2018
Developing customer loyalty in the digital age

FEATURE - To get on a path of sustainable growth, an organization must get to know its customers... and there is no better way of doing so than embracing and analyzing their complaints.

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A story of lead-time in digital
September 7, 2018
A story of lead-time in digital

BUILDING BRIDGES – In another article for their series, lean digital company Theodo tells us about their efforts to measure and reduce its lead-time to deliver product features.

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Knowledge-building for lean: a profile of Sari Torkkola
October 6, 2016
Knowledge-building for lean: a profile of Sari Torkkola

PROFILE - When years of hard work to re-organize Patria's IT operations led to disappointing results, Sari Torkkola didn't throw in the towel. Instead, she started to build her department's understanding of lean.

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Lean IT at Nationwide: developing 9,000 people
May 23, 2016
Lean IT at Nationwide: developing 9,000 people

INTERVIEW – At the recent Lean Transformation Summit in Las Vegas, our editor sat down with Nationwide to hear more about the mutual company’s application of lean thinking to IT and how they are working towards getting 9,000 people onboard.

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The information value stream: analysing the state of lean IT
March 31, 2016
The information value stream: analysing the state of lean IT
FEATURE – Lean thinking is increasingly applied end to end, reaching virtually every area and function of the enterprise, and yet in many companies IT is still left out of the lean transformation. Isn't this dangerous in a world that is going more an ...Read more

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Why lean thinking is the engine of a digital transformation
February 23, 2016
Why lean thinking is the engine of a digital transformation

FEATURE – The goal of your digital transformation is not only to develop new technologies and innovative processes, but to turn your people into the kind of "smart creatives" who will lead your firm into the future. Lean will get you there.

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Lean thinking is perfectly compatible with digitalization
December 1, 2015
Lean thinking is perfectly compatible with digitalization

FEATURE – Day after day, groundbreaking technological advances are dramatically changing industry. It is clear that we are now experiencing a new industrial revolution, but what’s the role of lean thinking in this Digital Age?

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Using lean startup ideas to redesign service to citizens
November 19, 2015
Using lean startup ideas to redesign service to citizens

INTERVIEW – When we think of innovation we rarely think of government, and yet the public sector is in desperate need to modernize and improve. Pierre Pezziardi is on a mission to bring innovation to the French government.

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Lean IT should take center stage in a digital turnaround
November 12, 2015
Lean IT should take center stage in a digital turnaround

COLUMN – Digitalization is now on the agenda of executive teams and is encouraging organizations to review their business models. But how does IT fit into the picture? What is its role? How can lean help?

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How hypergrowing BlaBlaCar kept lean startup spirit alive
November 3, 2015
How hypergrowing BlaBlaCar kept lean startup spirit alive

INTERVIEW – At the recent Lean IT Summit, Planet Lean spoke to BlaBlaCar, a Paris-based company that has managed to keep the startup way of thinking alive in the face of the hypergrowth it experienced in the past four years.

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Only lean management can save our IT departments
September 17, 2015
Only lean management can save our IT departments
FEATURE - Traditionally seen as the mother of all evil, the IT department in our organizations has a long way to go before it fulfils its potential and becomes an actual facilitator in the delivery of excellent products and services. In the past few ...Read more

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This new column gives a voice to people at the front line
September 9, 2015
This new column gives a voice to people at the front line

COLUMN - Menlo Innovations may not define itself as a "lean organization" but there is no doubt that its management style is akin to the principles lean teaches. Here, a front-line Menlonian shares her thoughts on the company's culture.

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Malika Mir on using the obeya at pharmaceutical firm Ipsen
August 18, 2015
Malika Mir on using the obeya at pharmaceutical firm Ipsen

INTERVIEW – The CIO of a French pharmaceutical company gives us a sneak peek of her presentation at the upcoming Lean IT Summit, focused on using the obeya to change the IT department.

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A lean thinking perspective of scrum
August 6, 2015
A lean thinking perspective of scrum

FEATURE – This piece analyzes the different elements of scrum, an agile software development framework, as seen from the point of view of traditional lean thinking.

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A CIO's journey towards lean thinking
June 23, 2015
A CIO's journey towards lean thinking

COLUMN - For her latest column, Sari Torkkola describes the initial steps that must be taken to move towards becoming a lean CIO and warn us against some of the pitfalls along the way.

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Can healthcare learn from software firm Menlo Innovations?
June 2, 2015
Can healthcare learn from software firm Menlo Innovations?

FEATURE – Menlo Innovations has proved there is a different, more "joyful" way of running a software development company – could those same lessons be applied to the healthcare industry?

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What do traditional lean thinking and LeanUX have in common?
May 19, 2015
What do traditional lean thinking and LeanUX have in common?

INTERVIEW - Like many other improvement methodologies, LeanUX shares a lot of principles with traditional lean. Yet, the two communities don’t know a lot about each other. We ask an expert to bridge the gap.

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Menlo: delighting customers by bringing joy to staff
May 5, 2015
Menlo: delighting customers by bringing joy to staff

INTERVIEW – At the recent Lean Transformation Summit in New Orleans, we sat down with Richard Sheridan of Menlo Innovations to discuss the ground-breaking concept of joy in the workplace.

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How music streaming giant Spotify stays successful
April 16, 2015
How music streaming giant Spotify stays successful

CASE STUDY - How Spotify developed an alternative management system based on servant leadership, interaction-based learning and adaptability – changing the music industry along the way.

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Spotify proves the hierarchical organization is an old tune
January 27, 2015
Spotify proves the hierarchical organization is an old tune

VIDEO INTERVIEW – Hierarchical organization, goodbye! Embracing servant leadership and a horizontal reporting structure, Spotify is redefining the idea of company.

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Tom and Mary Poppendieck on what makes a business successful
January 22, 2015
Tom and Mary Poppendieck on what makes a business successful

INTERVIEW – Tom and Mary Poppendieck sit down with Roberto Priolo and discuss what makes product organizations successful today and where lean software development is headed.

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PL interviews Jeff Sutherland, one of the inventors of scrum
January 15, 2015
PL interviews Jeff Sutherland, one of the inventors of scrum

VIDEO INTERVIEW - Planet Lean speaks with Jeff Sutherland, one of the inventors of scrum software development, about the evolution of this Agile framework and its relationship with lean.

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Amazon Web Services' scalable infrastructure for lean IT
December 18, 2014
Amazon Web Services' scalable infrastructure for lean IT

VIDEO INTERVIEW - At the Lean IT Summit, we spoke with Amazon Web Services to understand what type of flexible and scalable IT infrastructure allows organizations to be innovative without breaking the bank.

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How Nike created a successful lean IT obeya
December 11, 2014
How Nike created a successful lean IT obeya

FEATURE – An obeya room can be the cornerstone of a lean transformation, but developing a successful visual management environment is easier said than done. Nike’s Technology department shares a few tips.

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The application of lean IT at Toyota Motor Europe
December 3, 2014
The application of lean IT at Toyota Motor Europe

VIDEO INTERVIEW - We spoke with Toyota Motor Europe's CIO at the Lean IT Summit about hoshin and IT, the application of the agile methodology, and the power of coaching.

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How to use lean UX principles
November 20, 2014
How to use lean UX principles

INTERVIEW - In our search for the perfect solution, we often seem to ignore the user's needs. Jeff Gothelf explains why this is nonsense and what lies at the heart of the Lean UX software development methodology.

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Story of a startup:  how to apply lean thinking from the beginning
November 12, 2014
Story of a startup: how to apply lean thinking from the beginning

FEATURE - London-based startup Elastera may represent the example of a company aspiring to be lean from the outset rather than trying to fix itself later through a transformation.

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An I.T. mind - Saving your job
July 23, 2014
An I.T. mind - Saving your job

COLUMN - A lean transformation is not just a prerogative of top management, but a goal to be shared across an organization. Here's a few thoughts on how I.T. people specifically can contribute to a turnaround.

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How Toyota integrates IT across its European operations
July 22, 2014
How Toyota integrates IT across its European operations

INTERVIEW - Pierre Masai, CIO of Toyota Motor Europe, discusses IT across the company's operations in Europe, highlighting the importance of people engagement and experiments.

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Dan Jones reflects on lean management in the digital age
May 20, 2014
Dan Jones reflects on lean management in the digital age

FEATURE - Professor Dan Jones looks at the unique challenges the digital age presents the business community with, and explains how lean thinking can help us to effectively address them.

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Looking at waste from an IT point of view
May 14, 2014
Looking at waste from an IT point of view

COLUMN - For those working in the I.T. world, identifying waste can be tricky. However, starting by tackling over-production will help you to eliminate every other form of waste.

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How Toyota Material Handling applies principles of lean IT
April 10, 2014
How Toyota Material Handling applies principles of lean IT

INTERVIEW - Håkan Borglund, CIO of Toyota Material Handling Europe, speaks with Planet Lean about Toyota principles and the role of lean IT at Toyota Material Handling.

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Improvement methodologies have been used in the software world for a very long time, with approaches like Agile and Lean digital methodology playing a key role in speeding up the development of digital products. Agile principles and ideas – like Scrum and its way of structuring teams and organizing the work – have found their ways into many a lean company. Lean digital thinking and the Toyota Production System, in turn, have greatly influenced the development of these approaches.

Lean Digital is the methodology by which companies apply lean principles to the development process of new digital products.

The world of startups and entrepreneurship has also drawn a lot of inspiration from lean management. Eric Ries’ best-selling book The Lean Startup offers a framework for quick experimentation and validation of learning that is often viewed as an interpretation of lean’s PDCA cycle – and the very idea of involving the customer at different stages of the process clearly reminds of the fundamental lean idea of listening to the Voice of the Customer.

Despite this great level of cross-contamination, however, a disconnect still exists between the world of ‘traditional lean’ and that of young, digital companies. A few pioneering organizations such as softrware company Theodo are trying to bridge that gap by solidly applying lean thinking to their digital work. This is a new frontier for lean thinking.