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Turkish institute learning lean agriculture in Israel
February 11, 2015
Turkish institute learning lean agriculture in Israel

NEWS - Our institutes in Turkey and Israel have collaborated closely for years. A few weeks ago, the President of Lean Institute Turkey flew to Tel Aviv to learn about Israeli agriculture.

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Pull flow and respect for people to drive change at Thales
February 10, 2015
Pull flow and respect for people to drive change at Thales

ARTICLE - We always talk about going to the gemba, but we often don't understand what that entails and what changes it can bring to our companies. In this article, we hear about the experience of Thales.

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Towards lean service at Tokheim Italia
February 4, 2015
Towards lean service at Tokheim Italia

CASE STUDY - The Italian branch of Tokheim services about 3,000 gas stations in the central and northern parts of Italy. The general manager shares the story of how lean thinking changed everything, for the better.

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Is lean management more conservative or progressive?
January 29, 2015
Is lean management more conservative or progressive?

COLUMN - In political terms, is lean management more in line with conservative principles or progressive ideas? Michael Ballé reflects on a tough question.

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Josh Howell of LEI reports on his visit to Tel Aviv
January 28, 2015
Josh Howell of LEI reports on his visit to Tel Aviv

OPINION – Lean Global Network institutes regularly collaborate on education. Josh Howell of Lean Enterprise Institute recently visited our Israeli affiliate to deliver a couple of workshops.

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Spotify proves the hierarchical organization is an old tune
January 27, 2015
Spotify proves the hierarchical organization is an old tune

VIDEO INTERVIEW – Hierarchical organization, goodbye! Embracing servant leadership and a horizontal reporting structure, Spotify is redefining the idea of company.

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Tom and Mary Poppendieck on what makes a business successful
January 22, 2015
Tom and Mary Poppendieck on what makes a business successful

INTERVIEW – Tom and Mary Poppendieck sit down with Roberto Priolo and discuss what makes product organizations successful today and where lean software development is headed.

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Workshop inspires a financial administrator to embrace lean
January 21, 2015
Workshop inspires a financial administrator to embrace lean

COLUMN – Finance is a critical function within a firm. Yet, lean thinking seems to struggle to make progress in this field. Following a workshop with Nick Katko, the author of this article sees an opportunity.

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How to use games to teach lean management principles
January 20, 2015
How to use games to teach lean management principles

FEATURE – Games can help you to engage people and communicate lean management principles. Here is a number of useful tips and suggestions on how to make training more… playful.

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PL interviews Jeff Sutherland, one of the inventors of scrum
January 15, 2015
PL interviews Jeff Sutherland, one of the inventors of scrum

VIDEO INTERVIEW - Planet Lean speaks with Jeff Sutherland, one of the inventors of scrum software development, about the evolution of this Agile framework and its relationship with lean.

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A visit to a nation that officially endorses lean thinking
January 14, 2015
A visit to a nation that officially endorses lean thinking

REVIEW - The Republic of Tatarstan officially endorses and funds the implementation of lean thinking in local organizations. Yalcin Ipbuken, President of Lean Institute Turkey, drops in for a visit.

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Defects can be a driver for the creation of a lean culture
January 13, 2015
Defects can be a driver for the creation of a lean culture

FEATURE – The fifth article in the series Hazards on the road to lean analyzes the role of quality defects in helping to develop a lean management culture in your organization.

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Why respect for people and lean are the only way forward
January 12, 2015
Why respect for people and lean are the only way forward

FEATURE - Mission creep, silos and a disengaged workforce are some of the negative effects of traditional management. Michael Ballé offers an alternative based on the respect for people principle of lean thinking.

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The meaning of the andon cord
January 8, 2015
The meaning of the andon cord

OPINION – A trip to West Africa to deliver a lean workshop prompts Anton Grütter, CEO of Lean Institute Africa, to reflect on the meaning of the Andon cord.

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Rely on early adopters to launch your lean implementation
January 7, 2015
Rely on early adopters to launch your lean implementation

OPINION - What does it take to start a lean implementation? People often hesitate, blaming lack of preparedness at different management levels. Truth is, all you need is two front line people who are committed.

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A guide to applying standard work in a lean transformation
January 6, 2015
A guide to applying standard work in a lean transformation

FEATURE – René Aernoudts discusses how to use standardized work in an organization, providing a lowdown of the techniques available to the lean practitioner.

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Womack and Jones: the fathers of lean thinking interviewed
December 22, 2014
Womack and Jones: the fathers of lean thinking interviewed

VIDEO INTERVIEW - At last month's UK Lean Summit, we sat down with Dan Jones and Jim Womack, founding fathers of lean thinking, to discuss the evolution, current state and future of the methodology.

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Amazon Web Services' scalable infrastructure for lean IT
December 18, 2014
Amazon Web Services' scalable infrastructure for lean IT

VIDEO INTERVIEW - At the Lean IT Summit, we spoke with Amazon Web Services to understand what type of flexible and scalable IT infrastructure allows organizations to be innovative without breaking the bank.

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Cimtas Module & Shipyard: lean principles in construction
December 15, 2014
Cimtas Module & Shipyard: lean principles in construction

CASE STUDY - A Turkish shipyard and engineering company has found that lean principles and practice are the only way to deliver unique, large construction projects efficiently and successfully.

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Lean Institute Turkey promotes lean in Russia
December 12, 2014
Lean Institute Turkey promotes lean in Russia


NEWS - By offering tours of best-in-class companies and bespoke training to MBA students from Moscow State University's Business School, LGN's Turkish affiliate is helping to spread lean thinking in Russia.

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How Nike created a successful lean IT obeya
December 11, 2014
How Nike created a successful lean IT obeya

FEATURE – An obeya room can be the cornerstone of a lean transformation, but developing a successful visual management environment is easier said than done. Nike’s Technology department shares a few tips.

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In your lean transformation process or result oriented?
December 9, 2014
In your lean transformation process or result oriented?

FEATURE – Is your organization process-oriented or results-oriented? The fourth article of Hazards on the road to lean looks at what happens when you focus on the what, but not on the how.

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The application of lean IT at Toyota Motor Europe
December 3, 2014
The application of lean IT at Toyota Motor Europe

VIDEO INTERVIEW - We spoke with Toyota Motor Europe's CIO at the Lean IT Summit about hoshin and IT, the application of the agile methodology, and the power of coaching.

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Lean principles in a forensic medicine institute
December 2, 2014
Lean principles in a forensic medicine institute
medicina legal lean approach

ARTICLE – The Institut de Medicina Legal de Catalunya has learned that employee engagement and lean thinking can shake up even the stiffest of the public sector's working environments.

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Lean thinking at General Motors do Brasil
November 27, 2014
Lean thinking at General Motors do Brasil

INTERVIEW – We speak with Sérgio Caracciolo of General Motors do Brasil about the carmaker’s approach to lean, its struggles, and its lessons learned.

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Survive big company disease with lean and customer value
November 25, 2014
Survive big company disease with lean and customer value
workaday leadership balle

ARTICLE - To operate successfully we need systems, but as we grow these often give us "big company disease." The solution is bringing leadership at work level to really guarantee customer satisfaction.

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How to use lean UX principles
November 20, 2014
How to use lean UX principles

INTERVIEW - In our search for the perfect solution, we often seem to ignore the user's needs. Jeff Gothelf explains why this is nonsense and what lies at the heart of the Lean UX software development methodology.

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LEI announces new partnership
November 19, 2014
LEI announces new partnership

NEWS - LEI partners with the Institute for Intrapreneurship to help established and startup companies to become more innovative using lean thinking and practices.

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Auditing UK government’s adoption of lean thinking
November 17, 2014
Auditing UK government’s adoption of lean thinking

FEATURE - Britain’s National Audit Office looks at how well taxpayer money is spent, gaining invaluable insight into the use of lean management in central government.

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Story of a startup:  how to apply lean thinking from the beginning
November 12, 2014
Story of a startup: how to apply lean thinking from the beginning

FEATURE - London-based startup Elastera may represent the example of a company aspiring to be lean from the outset rather than trying to fix itself later through a transformation.

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Setting the proper targets is hard
November 11, 2014
Setting the proper targets is hard

FEATURE – We can have the best processes in place and the best people on payroll, but if our goals are wrong our drive towards lean management won't be enough. Part 3 of Hazards on the road to lean.

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Change your production leveling strategy to achieve flow
November 6, 2014
Change your production leveling strategy to achieve flow

FEATURE – Effectively applying just-in-time and achieving flow is impossible without leveling production first. Yet, most companies seem to think this is impossible because demand is so variable… but is it really?

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What's senior leaders' standard work in a lean enterprise?
November 4, 2014
What's senior leaders' standard work in a lean enterprise?

RESEARCH - Standard work is not meant for senior leadership, but there are activities that CEOs can carry out systematically to support a lean management system, starting from problem solving.

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National cultures don't matter when lean is in the picture
October 30, 2014
National cultures don't matter when lean is in the picture

ARTICLE - Are some national cultures better suited to implement lean thinking? This article, based on research on 45 Volvo factories, reflects on the role of local cultures in the rollout of a corporate lean program.

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How to transform product development with lean management principles
October 28, 2014
How to transform product development with lean management principles

INTERVIEW - We caught up with LEI’s Senior Advisor, Jim Morgan after his plenary talk at the Lean Summit in São Paulo last month and got him to answer a few questions about product development and lean management.

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How lean thinking changed an automotive supplier in Brazil
October 23, 2014
How lean thinking changed an automotive supplier in Brazil

INTERVIEW - Lean manufacturing principles, successful training programs and the involvement of management in daily continuous improvement are transforming Brazilian automotive supplier ZEN.

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How Pietro Fiorentini became Italy's lean champion
October 21, 2014
How Pietro Fiorentini became Italy's lean champion

CASE STUDY – A unique approach to lean management and the involvement of CEO Mario Nardi helped Pietro Fiorentini, provider of solutions for natural gas distribution, become a model for lean companies in Italy.

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Lean thinking and the challenges it will face
October 14, 2014
Lean thinking and the challenges it will face

ARTICLE - How can creativity and standards coexist? How do we move beyond silos? How do we fully understand the voice of the customer? Dan Jones reflects on three key questions for the lean movement.

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Lean minds hard at work
October 9, 2014
Lean minds hard at work

EVENT REVIEW – This year LGN and Ansbach University’s CEPTM co-organized the first European edition of the Lean Educator Conference. Planet Lean attended the event.

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Education: how lean is taught
October 9, 2014
Education: how lean is taught

INTERVIEW - Planet Lean speaks with Constantin May, Academic Director of the CEPTM institute at Germany’s Ansbach University, which organized the first Lean Educator Conference in Europe in co-operation with LGN.

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Should you form a central lean team?
October 6, 2014
Should you form a central lean team?

FEATURE – In a transformation, should we spread responsibilities across the business or go for a centralized Lean Office? For their second piece, our Polish colleagues look at what they have learned on the field.

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The state of lean construction
October 2, 2014
The state of lean construction

INTERVIEW – Brian Swain, Director of the Lean Construction Institute UK, has supported some of the largest construction projects in Britain, including London’s Olympic Village. Here he talks about the evolution of lean in the industry.

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Rethinking an entire production system
September 30, 2014
Rethinking an entire production system

FEATURE - It took a Spanish clinical diagnostics instruments manufacturer the introduction of a new product to realize how an old-fashioned system and management style were preventing the company from thriving.

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"The learning path of a leader"
September 23, 2014
"The learning path of a leader"

BOOK REVIEW – For our series of Q&As on recently published novel Lead With Respect, René Aernoudts shares what the key lessons learnt were for him.

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LEI Polska supports meta products project
September 22, 2014
LEI Polska supports meta products project

NEWS - LGN's Polish affiliate is taking part in a European project to shed a light onto the development of meta products.

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Lean management to transform a Chinese hospital
September 17, 2014
Lean management to transform a Chinese hospital

CASE STUDY - Three successful improvement projects at a hospital in Guangzhou are proving that lean healthcare in China is an opportunity that the sector cannot afford to miss.

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Kaizen: from frustration to learning
September 10, 2014
Kaizen: from frustration to learning

OPINION – How many times, in the early stages of kaizen events, have you thought about giving up? Hang in there. As frustrating as they can be, they will also teach you a lot, says our Danish colleague.

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The danger of driving too much change too fast
September 8, 2014
The danger of driving too much change too fast

FEATURE - In this new series, our Polish colleagues draw on their experience with customers and discuss the most common mistakes people make in their lean implementations.

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Job instructions: how lean management can help people with Asperger's
September 6, 2014
Job instructions: how lean management can help people with Asperger's

ARTICLE - There is more to TWI than applications in our jobs. In this article, a creative mother shares the moving story of how she used Job Instructions to help her 5-year-old son with Asperger Syndrome.

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"A story of personal awakening"
September 4, 2014
"A story of personal awakening"

BOOK REVIEW - In the first of a series of Q&As on the recently published novel Lead With Respect by Freddy and Michael Ballé, Dan Jones explains why this book is a must-read.

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Employees: the most important part of a lean transformation
September 1, 2014
Employees: the most important part of a lean transformation

CASE STUDY - Through the involvement of front line staff, Hartmann’s production plant near Barcelona is paving the way for an expansion into different markets and inspiring the adoption of lean across the multinational.

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The role of management in a firm: developing better people
August 26, 2014
The role of management in a firm: developing better people

FEATURE - Develop your people if you want to develop a better (lean management) system in your business. This is the key message of this article, which looks at the role of management in an organization and in society.

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Turning around a business using lean construction ideas
August 21, 2014
Turning around a business using lean construction ideas

CASE STUDY - Addressing failure cost and introducing a new quoting process are only two of the ways in which Dutch construction company Dura Vermeer is successfully achieving a lean transformation.

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Corporate world: how does lean work in large organizations?
August 19, 2014
Corporate world: how does lean work in large organizations?

RESEARCH - This interesting study, based on 44 Volvo plants and 200 Volvo interviewees, looks at how the implementation of lean thinking influences a plant’s performance over time.

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Interview: Delphi Connection Systems
August 14, 2014
Interview: Delphi Connection Systems

INTERVIEW - The General Manager of a Delphi plant in Hungary talks about the lean transformation the site went through and the challenges automotive suppliers face in this day and age.

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Bringing lean change to the Garraf hospital
August 12, 2014
Bringing lean change to the Garraf hospital

COLUMN - In the third article of our series, the CEO of a healthcare institution in Catalonia, Spain, discusses the implementation of lean as a mindset that has its foundations in continuous improvement.

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Watch Dan Jones speak at the 2014 Lean Summit in the Netherlands
August 7, 2014
Watch Dan Jones speak at the 2014 Lean Summit in the Netherlands

VIDEO - Dan Jones was one of the keynote speakers at this year's Lean Summit in The Netherlands. Here's a 15-minute excerpt of his talk, with some great insights into the state of lean thinking.

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Impressions of China
August 6, 2014
Impressions of China

NEWS - Back from his annual trip to Shanghai, Anton Grütter, CEO of the Lean Institute Africa, shares a few interesting insights into the Chinese culture.

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Why kaizen lies at the heart of lean thinking
August 5, 2014
Why kaizen lies at the heart of lean thinking

INTERVIEW - What lies at the core of kaizen activity? How has the concept of kaizen evolved over time? Planet Lean’s editor Roberto Priolo discusses these and other topics with kaizen expert Mark Hamel.

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Book review - Lead With Respect
August 1, 2014
Book review - Lead With Respect

REVIEW - Michael and Freddy Ballé’s new novel, which came out this week, will help readers to understand what it really means to be a lean leader and respect people.

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How to apply lean management in the service industry
July 31, 2014
How to apply lean management in the service industry

INTERVIEW - As the use of lean continues to grow in the service industry, questions abound on how this sector can use the principles and practices effectively.

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Get quick wins while ensuring a lasting transformation
July 29, 2014
Get quick wins while ensuring a lasting transformation

FEATURE - Whether an organization pursues a lean transformation often depends on the early financial results - the low hanging fruit - it's able to achieve. This article offers a model to meet business needs while ensuring a transformation lasts.

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An I.T. mind - Saving your job
July 23, 2014
An I.T. mind - Saving your job

COLUMN - A lean transformation is not just a prerogative of top management, but a goal to be shared across an organization. Here's a few thoughts on how I.T. people specifically can contribute to a turnaround.

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How Toyota integrates IT across its European operations
July 22, 2014
How Toyota integrates IT across its European operations

INTERVIEW - Pierre Masai, CIO of Toyota Motor Europe, discusses IT across the company's operations in Europe, highlighting the importance of people engagement and experiments.

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Lean thinking and modular layout: LEGO's model factory
July 17, 2014
Lean thinking and modular layout: LEGO's model factory

INTERVIEW – Planet Lean meets LEGO’s Ilona Takács to learn how the toy manufacturer looked at its corporate values to built a new, super-lean factory in eastern Hungary.

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Lean thinking to shorten patient length of stay
July 15, 2014
Lean thinking to shorten patient length of stay
lean methodology length of stay

CASE STUDY - This article reports on the efforts that Erasmus Medical Center in the Netherlands has made to apply Theory of Constraints to patients' length of stay.

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Build trust and enjoyable work to get employee engagement
July 10, 2014
Build trust and enjoyable work to get employee engagement

RESEARCH - Offering us a glimpse into how the human mind works and into Toyota's approach to people engagement, this article tells us how to create a better working environment for our employees.

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Bringing lean thinking upstream for a better supply chain
July 8, 2014
Bringing lean thinking upstream for a better supply chain

FEATURE - Norman Faull, Director of Lean Institute Africa, talks about a supplier development project the institute took part in, and shares a few of the results achieved.

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Business growth, human growth
July 3, 2014
Business growth, human growth

FEATURE - In his latest article, the author explains why pursuing human growth as part of our lean efforts is meaningless until we fully master our pull systems.

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A former assistant manager recounts his time at Toyota
July 1, 2014
A former assistant manager recounts his time at Toyota

FEATURE - The author looks back at his many years with Toyota and shares some of the key lessons he learned along the way. What a unique company!

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Learning lean in Wroclaw
June 27, 2014
Learning lean in Wroclaw

REVIEW - Roberto Priolo reviews the 14th Lean Management Conference, held earlier this month in Poland. With great presentations and speakers, the event left him with a lot to reflect on.

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Attila Tószegi on running a lean elementary school
June 26, 2014
Attila Tószegi on running a lean elementary school

COLUMN - In the second article of our series, the director of an elementary school in Budapest tells us how using PDCA can help to improve education and provide students with the right skills.

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How to deploy hoshin kanri successfully
June 24, 2014
How to deploy hoshin kanri successfully

FEATURE - Strategy deployment is fundamental to a lean transformation, but managers often struggle to understand its importance amid the day-to-day firefighting. This article will tell you how to make hoshin happen.

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Change management at an airline catering business using lean thinking
June 12, 2014
Change management at an airline catering business using lean thinking

INTERVIEW - Having to adapt to changing customer needs, KLM Catering Services decided to turn to lean thinking, reducing its changeover times and recycling more.

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Jim Womack on applying lean thinking to a greenfield
June 10, 2014
Jim Womack on applying lean thinking to a greenfield

FEATURE - In this essay, first appeared in his book Gemba Walks, Jim P. Womack describes the benefits of launching lean in a greenfield environment drawing from his experience volunteering in Central America.

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Still Toyota? What about Volkswagen?
June 5, 2014
Still Toyota? What about Volkswagen?

COLUMN - Michael Ballé on why Toyota still inspires him in a way that no other organization can, and on the lessons lean thinkers can learn from the two most successful carmakers.

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Interview with Dan Jones, René Aernoudts and Michael Ballé
June 3, 2014
Interview with Dan Jones, René Aernoudts and Michael Ballé

INTERVIEW - In this video interview, René Aernoudts, Michael Ballé and Dan Jones answer a few key questions on what's next for the lean movement.

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The lean transformation of New York's public hospitals
May 29, 2014
The lean transformation of New York's public hospitals

INTERVIEW - New York City's public hospitals system leveraged lean principles and techniques to improve the quality of care and boost organizational performance.

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What is the role of a sensei in a lean organization?
May 27, 2014
What is the role of a sensei in a lean organization?

RESEARCH - For most CEOs, working with a sensei is common practice. Yet, many questions remain on this role. This paper aims to bring clarity to the "sensei mystery".

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Dan Jones reflects on lean management in the digital age
May 20, 2014
Dan Jones reflects on lean management in the digital age

FEATURE - Professor Dan Jones looks at the unique challenges the digital age presents the business community with, and explains how lean thinking can help us to effectively address them.

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How the French Post helps lean thinking reach every employee
May 15, 2014
How the French Post helps lean thinking reach every employee

INTERVIEW – How do you communicate a consistent message to thousands of employees working across a fragmented and extremely diverse network? Catherine Blay, from French postal service La Poste, tells us.

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Looking at waste from an IT point of view
May 14, 2014
Looking at waste from an IT point of view

COLUMN - For those working in the I.T. world, identifying waste can be tricky. However, starting by tackling over-production will help you to eliminate every other form of waste.

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Melbourne - pushing the boundaries of lean government
May 13, 2014
Melbourne - pushing the boundaries of lean government

CASE STUDY - How does lean contribute to making Melbourne one of the world’s most liveable cities year after year? Denise Bennett explains the approach followed.

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Pick the right approach to lean thinking to beat resistance
May 8, 2014
Pick the right approach to lean thinking to beat resistance
managing change lean thinking

FEATURE - We are often told that employee resistance to change is natural, but it’s really just the result of a wrong approach to lean thinking. Learn to effectively engage people and change will follow.

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John Bouthillon on his experience with lean in construction
May 6, 2014
John Bouthillon on his experience with lean in construction

COLUMN - In the first of a series of columns written by CEOs, John Bouthillon of PO Construction explains how lean has kept his company afloat through the recession.

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What happens in our people's minds as lean takes root
May 1, 2014
What happens in our people's minds as lean takes root

COLUMN - What does lean do for people in your organization? This column explores how their way of thinking changes as a culture of continuous improvement and problem solving takes root.

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Washington State: using lean management in government
April 23, 2014
Washington State: using lean management in government

INTERVIEW - Thanks to strong leadership support and an effective system to partner with private sector firms, Washington State is proving how successful lean production principles can be in a government setting.

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Smalley and Ballé discuss the true spirit of lean thinking - Part 2
April 22, 2014
Smalley and Ballé discuss the true spirit of lean thinking - Part 2

FEATURE - Two weeks ago, the authors shared their thoughts on mindset. In part 2, they discuss how to grasp the true spirit of lean.

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René Aernoudts offers guidelines for lean transformations
April 17, 2014
René Aernoudts offers guidelines for lean transformations

FEATURE - This set of guidelines will help you to understand how to properly structure your lean transformation, keeping into account the entire organization as it tries to embrace and manage change.

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The lean journey of a manufacturer of combine harvesters
April 15, 2014
The lean journey of a manufacturer of combine harvesters

CASE STUDY - An approach based on Lean Daily Management System and experiments in a model area led an Italian manufacturer of combine-harvesters to become one of the leanest organizations in the Veneto region.

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How Toyota Material Handling applies principles of lean IT
April 10, 2014
How Toyota Material Handling applies principles of lean IT

INTERVIEW - Håkan Borglund, CIO of Toyota Material Handling Europe, speaks with Planet Lean about Toyota principles and the role of lean IT at Toyota Material Handling.

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Smalley and Ballé discuss the true spirit of lean thinking - Part 1
April 8, 2014
Smalley and Ballé discuss the true spirit of lean thinking - Part 1
smalley balle lean management

FEATURE - We talk about “changing our mindset” all the time, but do we really understand what this means in the context of our lean transformation? This two-part article tries to understand what the spirit of lean really is.

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Michael Ballé on rewards and recognition in a lean company
April 3, 2014
Michael Ballé on rewards and recognition in a lean company

FEATURE - The author addresses the ongoing debate on rewards and recognition, explaining how an optimal relationship between team members, team leaders and group leaders will influence motivation.

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Surviving the economic crisis working with lean healthcare
March 31, 2014
Surviving the economic crisis working with lean healthcare

CASE STUDY - In the past two years, the Consorci Sanitari del Garraf near Barcelona experienced a lean turnaround. The author gives us an overview of the key building blocks of this transformation.

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The importance of new product development
March 26, 2014
The importance of new product development

INTERVIEW - Jim Morgan looks back at his years at Ford Motor Company and talks about the challenges and opportunities of applying lean management ideas to new product development .

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Why national traits do not matter when it comes to lean
March 20, 2014
Why national traits do not matter when it comes to lean

OPINION - How often have you heard the sentence, “Lean can’t work here – this isn’t Japan”? Probably more than you can remember. Here’s why national traits are simply another excuse for a failed attempt to change.

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The role of leadership in a lean journey
March 13, 2014
The role of leadership in a lean journey

INTERVIEW - What does "leading through incompetence" mean? Peter Willats discusses the role of leadership in a lean management system and the evolution of lean thinking.

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How to spread lean principles without hindering results
March 4, 2014
How to spread lean principles without hindering results

CASE STUDY - What does having a new “true north” mean? Following the merger with a large group, cancer center IOV is looking to seamlessly spread its lean management system to new operations and facilities.

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Michael Ballé on why lean thinking makes cost-cutting smart
February 16, 2014
Michael Ballé on why lean thinking makes cost-cutting smart

FEATURE - What is the relationship between lean thinking and cost-cutting? Here's why you should focus on improvements as opposed to slashing a budget.

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Lean management: how to transform a business
February 14, 2014
Lean management: how to transform a business

INTERVIEW - To really change, an organization must use lean management as a strategic asset rather than just a set of tools. In this interview, Art Byrne talks about rewarding people and the process of transforming companies.

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